Besides exercise, few factors are more critical to personal health than our food choices. Over time, these daily decisions accumulate, becoming useful predictors for our susceptibility to disease.
In developing dietary guidelines, nations offer their citizens proven pathways for longer and more satisfying lives, individually and collectively.
by Lana VanderleeWhat is the difference between minimally processed, processed, and ultra-processed foods?
by Marie SpikerHow can my diet help me prevent diabetes?
by Shenggen FanWhat is the difference between instant noodles and the other pastas, like spaghetti?
by Carlos Monterio and Geoffrey CannonWhat are the differences between organic and conventionally produced foods with regard to multiple health criteria?
by Kate ClancyEveryone keeps telling me to drink fewer sugar-sweetened beverages and soda. Why?
by Christina RobertoIs eating fast food bad for my health?
by Sara BleichHow can I get enough vegetables and fruits in my daily meals?
by Sharon PalmerI never add salt to my food - so I shouldn't be getting too much salt, right?
by Norman R.C. CampbellWhy do some foods affect my blood sugar levels more than others, and why is that important for my health?
by Christopher GardnerBesides exercise, few factors are more critical to personal health than food choices. Our daily decisions accumulate to become predictors for lifelong susceptibility to various diseases. Dietary guidelines offer proven pathways for longer and more satisfying lives, individually and collectively.
Poor diet contributes to approximately 678,000 deaths in the United States each year, making it a leading cause of preventable death.
Assistant Professor
Diet and health are inextricably linked. Whether it’s a lack of food, too much food, unsuitable types of foods, or unsafe food, diet is the most significant contributor to disease and death in the world. Experts in research, policy, and practice from across the globe have come together in these pages to help explain some of the more common and perplexing questions about the relationship between diet and health. This section explores a range of topics, discussing trends about consuming whole foods compared to ultra-processed foods, what types of plant-based foods you should aim to eat, whether organic foods are actually healthier for you, and more – all explained by a mix of leading world experts sharing their interpretation of the most current science.
The overall composition and combination of foods consumed by individuals over time encompasses the types and quantities of foods and beverages regularly consumed and reflects cultural, regional, and personal preferences; examples include the Mediterranean diet, plant-based diets, and traditional diets.
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Food processing is a broad term that encompasses things ranging from basic technologies like freezing or milling to incorporating additives that promote shelf stability or increase palatability. Generally, emphasizing unprocessed or minimally processed foods in the daily diet optimizes likely health outcomes.
Assistant Professor
What is the difference between minimally processed, processed, and ultra-processed foods?
Food processing is a spectrum, not a binary state. At the “minimally processed” end of the spectrum, fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, meats, and dairy products might be sliced, filtered, pasteurized, fermented, frozen, or vacuum-packed so they are more appealing, convenient, safe to eat, or can be stored for longer. Also at this end of the spectrum are grains, seeds, and nuts that have been ground, milled, or pressed to make flour, pasta, and oils. In the middle of the spectrum are processed foods with added sugar, salt, or fat — think bread, some cheeses, and canned vegetables, beans, or fish. At the “ultra-processed” end of the spectrum, foods may include artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and other additives (like emulsifiers or bulking agents) for taste, texture, and shelf stability – think sugary beverages, packaged snack foods like chips and cookies, sweetened breakfast cereals, and many frozen meals. So, “processing” itself is not inherently bad. Some processes like canning and freezing can help preserve the nutritional quality of fresh foods, but ultra-processed foods tend to be lower in fiber and micronutrients and higher in sugar and salt.
Food items that have undergone alterations from their original state through methods such as cooking, drying, canning, or adding preservatives for convenience or shelf-life extension; while some processing is necessary, excessive consumption of highly processed foods, often containing additives and refined ingredients, can contribute to health concerns.
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For those with the very healthiest plant-based diets (including fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and whole grains), the reduction in type 2 diabetes was 34%.
Rehnborg Farquhar Professor
How can my diet help me prevent diabetes?
An important risk factor for type 2 diabetes is excess body fat. Because of this, one of the ways to prevent diabetes is to develop eating habits that allow you to maintain a healthy weight without excess body fat. However, some people have a healthy body weight and still develop type 2 diabetes, so a healthy weight alone is not enough to prevent diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes involves an inability to control blood levels of glucose properly. It is possible to have a healthy body weight but still consume the types and amounts of foods that lead to high blood glucose levels. Types of foods that create these issues are sugary or high in refined carbohydrates, such as white bread. Carbohydrates from those foods are rapidly digested and absorbed, which makes it hard for the body to keep up. In contrast, the carbohydrates found in whole plant foods, such as beans, vegetables, whole intact grains, and fruits, come with fiber that helps slow the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. For example, diets similar to the Mediterranean diet are a good choice for preventing diabetes because they include a combination of healthy plant foods that are high in carbohydrates, as well as healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocadoes, and fatty fish, which can help keep the total proportion of carbohydrates down. Foods with healthy carbs and healthy fats help maintain a healthy balance.
Long-term health conditions that last 1 year or more and typically persists throughout a person's life (e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, certain types of cancer) often require ongoing management, treatment, and lifestyle modifications to control symptoms, prevent complications, and improve overall quality of life.
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NOVA is the food classification that categorizes foods according to the extent and purpose of food processing rather than in terms of nutrients.
Professor of Public Health Nutrition
What is the difference between instant noodles and the other pastas, like spaghetti?
Instant noodles are not a form of pasta. Instant noodles, also known as ramen, were invented in Japan in the 1950s. Pot or cup noodles, invented in the 1970s, are ready-to-consume, multi-ingredient, hyper-palatable industrial products made from wheat flour with water added, prepared usually by flash-frying in palm oil or other vegetable oils, or else by air drying, prior to pressing. They contain many additives, including flavors (e.g., chicken, shrimp, beef, chili, etc.) that are often packaged separately. Vitamins, minerals, and bits of vegetables are sometimes added to pot or cup noodles to make them seem more ‘healthy.’ These products are usually eaten alone, often as snacks. As such, the NOVA food system classifies instant noodles in its fourth group of ultra-processed foods. There is mounting evidence in the scientific literature that, through various mechanisms, an increase in consumption of ultra-processed foods also increases the risk of several chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and all-cause premature mortality.
Senior Research Fellow
Spaghetti and all forms of pasta probably originated in Italy around the 13th century. They are usually made from a dough containing durum wheat (semolina), water, and sometimes egg; the dough is then dried and cut or extruded into many shapes. Pasta is made in factories, restaurants, and at home. Noodles (not instant noodles), invented in China at least 2,000 years ago, are made in much the same way. Pastas and traditional noodles are usually eaten as part of dishes, often with legumes, nuts, or vegetables. As such, the NOVA food system classifies pasta, noodles, and their typical accompanying foods in its first group of unprocessed or minimally processed foods. There is abundant evidence in the scientific literature that healthy diets are rooted in diverse unprocessed or minimally processed plant foods.
A condition resulting from inadequate intake or absorption of essential vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal health; common micronutrient deficiencies include those of iron, vitamin A, vitamin D, iodine, and zinc; deficiencies can lead to a range of health issues and pose particular risks, especially in vulnerable populations, and addressing deficiencies often involves dietary changes or supplementation.
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The Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA) of the European Parliament published an extensive report on “Human health implications of organic food and organic agriculture” versus conventional agriculture.
Food Systems Consultant
What are the differences between organic and conventionally produced foods with regard to multiple health criteria?
At least seven factors combine to define a food as “healthy.” They are (1-2) pesticide and heavy metal loads, (3-4) nutrient and phytochemical levels, (5) microbial contamination, (6) antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and (7) the overall effect on the health of eating particular foods.
Research comparing organically and conventionally produced foods shows positive differences in two elements and no differences in five others. Regarding the positive differences, researchers have shown that organically grown produce has significantly lower pesticide residue levels. However, determining the potential health risks associated with dietary pesticides is quite complicated.
We know that children exposed to high concentrations of organophosphate pesticides in utero experience altered neurodevelopment. We also know that the risk of microbial antibiotic resistance is lower in organic animal foods because antibiotic use is heavily restricted during their production. Except for vitamin C, there are no significant public health differences between nutrients in the two production systems, and the same is true for microbe contamination.
Polyphenols, non-nutrient components of food that appear to play a role in lowering the risk of some diseases, are modestly higher in organic foods. Conventional foods have higher concentrations of some heavy metals, but there is no difference between the two systems for several other heavy metals. Finally, it’s not possible to draw any conclusions yet about the overall health impacts of eating organic foods (e.g., the relationship between organic food consumption and cancer risk is currently unclear) because there are many confounding variables (e.g., people who consume organic foods also exhibit many healthy eating and exercise habits).
Eliminating the use of all pesticides, whether organic or synthetic, often requires the use of biological and physical methods of pest control in place of pesticides.
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There is sufficient scientific evidence that decreasing sugar-sweetened beverage consumption will reduce the prevalence of obesity and obesity-related diseases.
Mitchell J. Blutt and Margo Krody Blutt Presidential Associate Professor of Health Policy
Everyone keeps telling me to drink fewer sugar-sweetened beverages and soda. Why?
Sugar-sweetened beverages are those that contain added sugar, such as soda, sports drinks, fruit drinks, and energy drinks. Their overconsumption is linked to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and dental cavities. Intake of these drinks increased dramatically since the 1980s, and they are now the largest source of added sugar intake in the American diet. Sugar-sweetened beverages are consumed at least once daily by half of adults and by nearly 2/3 of youth. Although sugar-sweetened beverage consumption has declined over time, overall levels remain high.
Why are these beverages so popular? Because they are heavily marketed, taste good, come in large portion sizes, and are inexpensive, all of which make it more challenging to give them up. Many people also wrongly believe that certain sugar-sweetened drinks, like sports drinks, are healthy. So, if you want to take one concrete step to improve your health, limit the sugary drinks you consume.
Sugars or caloric sweeteners that are added to foods or beverages during processing or preparation can include natural sugars (e.g., white sugar, brown sugar, honey) or other caloric sweeteners that are chemically manufactured (e.g., high fructose corn syrup); monitoring and understanding are crucial for managing sugar intake, which supports healthy dietary choices and minimizes the risk of health issues associated with excessive consumptions of sugars.
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During 2013–2016, 36.0% of youths aged 2–19 consumed fast food each day.
Vice Provost for Special Projects
Is eating fast food bad for my health?
Probably. Here is what we know: eating fast food increases total daily calorie consumption, reduces diet quality (since menu items are typically high in fat, salt, and sugar), and increases weight gain. Unfortunately, we eat a lot of fast food. On a typical day, 1/3 of adults and children in the US eat at fast-food restaurants. While many fast food restaurants provide healthier menu items, the evidence overwhelmingly suggests that eating fast food is generally not good for your health.
The availability and affordability of nutritious and culturally appropriate foods for individuals and communities; involves factors such as geographical proximity to food sources, economic accessibility, and the presence of diverse and healthy food options; ensuring food access is crucial for addressing food insecurity and promoting overall well-being in populations.
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The World Obesity Federation indicates that healthy eating habits are fundamental to obesity prevention. Research suggests that around 30% of cancers related to obesity are preventable through lifestyle modifications, including dietary changes.
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)
How can I get enough vegetables and fruits in my daily meals?
Eating more fruits and vegetables is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health. Fruits and vegetables boost your diet with nutrients that can help fight a range of chronic diseases and keep you feeling your best.
One of the best ways to fit more fruits and vegetables into your diet is to make sure you have them on hand. You can’t include these foods in your diet if they aren’t around. During your weekly shopping, try to choose beautiful produce that is in season. Better yet, go to a farmers market to get unusual seasonal produce straight from harvest. You can’t include these foods in your diet if they aren’t around. Make sure to add a fruit (and maybe even a veg) at breakfast each day by slicing fruit into your morning cereal or smoothie. You can even have a breakfast sandwich or burrito with veggies in it. Next, enjoy fruit as your natural go-to snack and even dessert. Include veggies at lunch; find a way to add a side salad, soup, or veggie-rich dish to your lunch meal. At dinner, load up on veggies; include two types of veggies on your plate, and add a soup or salad, too. Enjoy more veggie-based meals, such as veggie lasagna, stir-fry, or veggie tacos. Remember, most dietary guidelines recommend that vegetables and fruits make up half of your plate!
Plant-based foods consumed for nutrition, often characterized by high fiber, vitamins, and minerals; examples include leafy greens, roots, and legumes; offer a diverse range of flavors and nutrients to support a balanced diet.
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An estimated 1.89 million deaths each year are associated with consuming too much sodium.
Professor Emeritus of Medicine
I never add salt to my food – so I shouldn’t be getting too much salt, right?
Unhealthy diets are the leading risk for death globally, and too much salt is the leading dietary risk. It is estimated that too much dietary salt contributes to over 3 million deaths a year. The average consumption of salt globally is about 10 gm a day. Most people recognize that eating too much salt is bad for their health. However, most people also believe they are personally eating the right amount of salt. In part, people do not realize they eat too much salt because salt is put into nearly all foods during processing, and the foods often do not taste salty. In industrialized countries, about 80% of the dietary salt comes from processed foods, including restaurant foods. Breads, processed meats, soups, sandwiches, and piazza tend to be major sources of dietary salt, even if they do not taste salty. Restaurant foods and fast foods tend to be high in salt. The best way to avoid salt is to eat fresh foods with little to no added salt. An unprocessed food diet based mainly on a variety of vegetables and fruit tends to be very healthy and has only 1-2 gm of salt a day. Minimize highly salted foods (e.g., pickles), shop for foods with <5% of the daily value for salt (sodium) on the food label, eat less frequently at restaurants, and do not add extra salt to your foods in cooking or at the table.
The mature ovary of a flowering plant, typically containing seeds, and often consumed by humans; exists in diverse forms, including apples, berries, oranges, and tomatoes; often sweet or savory, and are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants; consuming a variety of fruits is part of a healthy diet and contributes to overall nutrition and well-being.
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Research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings found that mindfulness-based interventions were effective in reducing emotional eating behaviors, which can contribute to weight management.
Senior Program Officer, Food Communities & Public Health
How can mindful eating help me maintain a healthy weight?
Mindful eating is eating purposefully. It’s about focusing on what you eat, choosing to savor and enjoy, and taking time to sit and eat your meals. Mindful eating makes us more likely to choose healthier foods and foods we truly like. We also eat less because we have a better sense of when we’ve had enough and are satisfied. Distracted eating, on the other hand, is associated with eating more highly processed, calorically dense, and nutritionally poor foods. When we eat quickly or on the run, we tend not to feel full and over-consume calories.
The practice of regulating one's food intake, often with the goal of achieving specific health, fitness, or weight-related objectives; diets can vary widely, including approaches such as calorie restriction, low-carbohydrate diets, or plant-based eating; behaviorally sustainable and balanced dietary habits are generally recommended over short-term, overly restrictive practices to increase the likelihood of long-term success.
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Those who adhered to a healthy plant-based eating pattern had a 34% lower risk of developing diabetes than those who followed unhealthy, non-plant-based diets.
Rehnborg Farquhar Professor
Why do some foods affect my blood sugar levels more than others, and why is that important for my health?
Most of the foods we eat contain carbohydrates, the exceptions are primarily meat and oils. For example, vegetables, beans, grains, fruits, and dairy all contain various amounts and types of carbohydrate that either are made of glucose, or are converted to glucose after being consumed and absorbed. The body works very hard to keep blood levels of glucose in a narrow range, and when it doesn’t the result is a blood glucose level that is too low (hypoglycemia) or too high (hyperglycemia), both of which have negative health consequences. When we eat a mixed diet of whole foods, particularly plant foods that have fiber, the digestion and absorption of glucose occurs slowly and gives the body plenty of time to decide whether to use it right away or store it for later, allowing enough time to store it, and glucose homeostasis is maintained. When high sugar sweets and refined grain breads and snack foods are consumed (i.e., hyperpalatable, ultra-processed), the digestion and absorption of glucose happens so quickly the body often can’t keep up. When blood glucose levels are high, rather than being stored properly, the glucose can bind and attach to cells all around the body in ways that impair the optimal function of those cells (called glycosylation). Optimal health comes from avoiding this rush of glucose into the blood, and avoiding unregulated glycosylation, which can be achieved by eating a whole-food, plant-based diet in amounts that help you maintain a healthy weight.
Essential nutrients required by the body in relatively large amounts to sustain growth, energy, and overall health; the three main macronutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats; these nutrients provide the energy necessary for bodily functions and play key roles in metabolism, tissue repair, and other physiological processes.
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults consume 1.5 to 2 cups of fruits and 2 to 3 cups of vegetables per day for optimal health.
Assistant Professor
What kind of vegetables should I try to eat more of?
Eat vegetables every day, and aim for variety. There is not one type of vegetable you should focus on at the exclusion of others — the power of vegetables comes from “eating the rainbow” (eating a variety of vegetables), rather than focusing on one particular food. There is incredible diversity within the vegetable group, including leafy greens (like lettuce and spinach), cruciferous vegetables (also known as brassicas, like kale, broccoli, and cauliflower), starchy vegetables (like sweet potato and squash), and pulses (like beans and peas). Vegetables are important as a source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals — the same compounds that give vegetables their taste and vibrant colors also have a variety of health-promoting properties. You don’t need to eat every kind of vegetable every day, but aim for variety as you plan your weekly shopping, cooking, and ordering.
A type of carbohydrate found in plant-based foods (e.g., fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains) that cannot be fully broken down by the human digestive system; includes soluble fiber (dissolves in water and can help lower cholesterol) and insoluble fiber (adds bulk to the stool and aids in digestion); diets rich in dietary fiber are associated with various health benefits, including improved digestion and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
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A study conducted by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that individuals who followed a plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes had a 25% lower risk of developing heart disease. This study involved analyzing data from over 200,000 participants over several decades.
Author and Founder
What is a plant-forward diet?
My colleagues at The Culinary Institute of America and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health have defined “plant-forward” through the Menus of Change initiative as a style of cooking and eating that emphasizes and celebrates, but is not limited to, plant-based foods — including fruits and vegetables (produce), whole grains, beans, legumes (pulses), soy foods, nuts and seeds, plant oils, and herbs and spices. That reflects evidence-based principles of health and sustainability. From an eater’s standpoint, the keyword is the emphasis, as it’s about the overall proportion of the diet that’s made up of “stuff that comes from the ground” and not about sacrifice, taking foods away, or pushing a vegan or vegetarian agenda (though those types of foods, meals, and diets are certainly enjoyed within this umbrella term). More or less synonymous with “plant-rich,” “plant-centric,” and “Flexitarian,” “plant-forward” reflects both the direction I hope the restaurant and foodservice industries will take their menu options in the future, and the eating pattern I hope the global population will adopt as lifelong food choices. The beautiful opportunity is that more and more chefs and scientists agree that it is the best way to deliciously align optimal nutrition with planetary boundaries.
Protein derived from plant sources (e.g., legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, soy) that offers a sustainable and often healthier alternative to animal sources; crucial in vegetarian and vegan diets, and contributes to reducing environmental impact associated with meat production.
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Around 45% of deaths among children under 5 are linked to undernutrition. Additionally, at least 1 in 3 children under 5 is either malnourished or overweight.
Senior Program Officer, Food Communities & Public Health
How critical are animal source foods and dairy for meeting protein needs in children?
Despite gains in global nutrition, around 45% of deaths among children under 5 years of age are linked to undernutrition. (WHO) At least 1 in 3 children under 5 — or over 200 million — is either malnourished or overweight, while almost 2 in 3 children between six months and two years of age do not consume food that supports their development. (UNICEF)
Chronic undernutrition early in life is linked to health problems throughout a child’s life, including poor growth and increased susceptibility to infections, as well as chronic diseases later in life. In addition, these children are more likely to have poorer achievement in school, earn lower lifetime wages, and live in poverty.
Adequate protein intake, including essential amino acids, is crucial for bone and skeletal muscle growth early in life. Even with sufficient caloric intake from staples (grains, starches, etc.), a lack of protein has devastating, long-term effects. For young children, the best source of protein and essential amino acids is animal-source foods (ASF), especially in settings of low dietary diversity and reliance on staples. Micronutrients associated with growth and cognitive development (B12, choline, zinc) are plentiful in ASF, as is calcium in dairy products. Furthermore, there is a strong association between ASF consumption (especially from multiple sources such as dairy and eggs) and child growth and stature.
Proteins derived from animal sources, (e.g., meat, eggs, dairy, fish); constitutes essential amino acids crucial for human nutrition; while rich in nutrients, concerns about environmental impact and ethical considerations have led to the exploration of alternative protein sources such as plants, fungi, and lab-cultured proteins.
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Fruits and vegetables have historically held a place in dietary guidance because they contain high concentrations of vitamins (especially vitamins C and A), minerals (especially electrolytes), and, more recently, phytochemicals (especially antioxidants). Additionally, fruits and vegetables are recommended as a source of dietary fiber.
Senior Technical Advisor Nutrition
Is eating more fruits and vegetables a solution to micronutrient deficiencies?
Vegetables and fruits are good sources of several micronutrients, antioxidants, fiber, and other components, and they are an important component of a healthy diet. However, vegetables are not a good source of a few micronutrients (e.g., vitamin B12, vitamin D), and in other cases, the micronutrients in vegetables are too difficult for the body to absorb (iron, zinc, provitamin A). Therefore, it is recommended to consume a total of 400 g of vegetables and fruits per day and to combine them with foods from several other food groups (staples, pulses, nuts, and moderate amounts of animal-source foods such as fish, eggs, and dairy). When vegetable intake is lower than recommended, eating more vegetables can improve micronutrient intake, but only to a limited extent and not for all required micronutrients.
A condition resulting from inadequate intake or absorption of essential vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal health; common micronutrient deficiencies include those of iron, vitamin A, vitamin D, iodine, and zinc; deficiencies can lead to a range of health issues and pose particular risks, especially in vulnerable populations, and addressing deficiencies often involves dietary changes or supplementation.
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US populations showed that higher consumption of fried foods was associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases by 30-40%.
Television Chef
Is frying foods really unhealthy?
The best answer to this question is, “It depends.” Fried food could be healthy or unhealthy, depending on the type of oil that is used, the temperature of the oil, and the frequency with which it is consumed. Steamed, sautéed, and baked foods with little or no oil are healthier choices because of the inflammatory nature of fried foods. The best oils for deep frying are saturated oils because they are more stable in high temperatures and resistant to both oxidation and the release of free radicals, which can trigger inflammation in the body. Examples of saturated oils include red palm oil, coconut oil, ghee, and lard. Another great oil for deep frying is olive oil, which is monounsaturated and packed with antioxidants that protect the oil from becoming rancid during the frying process. Finally, the least recommended oils are polyunsaturated oils such as corn and soy because they are refined and more prone to oxidation.
A type of polyunsaturated fat found in certain types of fish, oils, nuts, and seeds that is essential for human health; must be obtained through diet as it cannot be synthesized by the human body.
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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 650 million adults, 340 million adolescents, and 39 million children are obese. They estimate that by 2025, approximately 167 million people – adults and children – will become less healthy because they are overweight or obese.
Rehnborg Farquhar Professor
How does what I eat matter when in comes to weight gain?
The law of thermodynamics supports the concept of weight and changes to your weight being a direct result of a balance of calories in vs. calories out (i.e., eaten vs. expended by physical activity or metabolic activity). If a group of individuals all ate an extra 1,000 calories/day, they would all gain weight; conversely, if they all cut back by 1,000 calories/day, they would all lose weight. Interestingly, it was proven decades ago that not everyone would gain or lose the same amount of weight even if the calorie increase or decrease were held constant; there is some individual variability involved. Multiple weight loss diet studies have demonstrated that some individuals are likely to be successful with weight loss on just about any diet type (e.g., low-fat, low-carb, high protein, Mediterranean, Paleo, etc.), at least in the short term. But what has also been demonstrated is that there is no single diet that has proven to help all people to be successful with weight loss. The two factors that probably matter the most are satiety and long-term maintenance. Choosing an eating plan of a set of foods that are generally satiating will help to avoid over-consuming calories.
Interestingly, different people find different food combinations either more or. less satiating. If the eating plan is satiating, it will be one that will be more likely to be maintained long-term. If it isn’t sustainable in the long term, the achieved weight change won’t be maintained. The bottom line is to avoid “going on a diet” if it means you will eventually “go off the diet.” Choose an eating plan that is enjoyable, satiating, and viable over the long-term; and if the goal is to lose weight or avoid weight gain, then limit or avoid added sugars or refined grains, as these tend to be the least satiating.
Edible items that provide a high level of essential nutrients to support overall health and well-being such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products; offer a balanced mix of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other beneficial compounds; fundamental for maintaining a healthy and well-rounded diet.
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Intake of saturated fats should be less than 10% of total energy intake, and intake of trans-fats should be less than 1% of total energy intake.
Adjunct Faculty
What is the big deal with saturated and trans fats? Should I avoid them?
While consuming some saturated fat can be part of an overall healthy diet, the vast majority of scientific research has shown that consuming higher amounts (above 7-10% of total calories in a day) may not be supportive of optimal health. Not only has saturated fat in excess been shown to increase the bad LDL-cholesterol levels, which increase the risk of heart disease (although “good” cholesterol known as HDL may also rise), but it can increase levels of inflammation in the body and may contribute to insulin resistance (a precursor to diabetes) and less healthy weight gain, especially in those who also consume a diet high in refined grains and sugar.
From a sustainability perspective, most saturated fat sources come from red meat and dairy products, which have a much larger carbon footprint than plant-based foods like beans and nuts. That being said, plant sources of saturated fat aren’t squeaky clean on the sustainability front either. Palm oil production often leads to deforestation of precious land, and coconut oil may travel thousands of miles to get into your frying pan. This doesn’t mean a total ban on these foods is necessary; it’s just a sense of mindfulness as you make daily dietary decisions that may affect both human and planetary health.
Artificial trans-fats from chemically altered oils that are found in a variety of processed foods have been shown in numerous studies to be inflammatory and hazardous to human health. They have been shown to increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer and are best avoided.
One of the three main macronutrient groups in human diet (along with carbohydrates and proteins); used by the body as a source of energy and a means of storing energy, and also performs other important functions in the body; however, too much fat or too much of the wrong type of fat can be unhealthy.
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While estimates vary, it is believed that there are over 30,000 edible plants, and we eat only 150 of them.
Why is it important to eat diverse diets? And what do we mean by ‘diverse’?
For me, “diverse diets” are those packed with colorful, delicious, biodiverse ingredients. From highly nutritious crops like moringa to climate-smart grain pearl millet, there are 30,000+ edible plant species around the world, each with specific traits that can improve soil health, add nutrients to our diets, build climate resilience, and support farmers’ livelihoods. Protecting the diversity of our foods is vital to feeding a growing global population sustainably, and yet, we are losing these delicious resources each day. By adding lesser-known ingredients to our plates, we can help shift food systems by encouraging the growth and supply of a more diverse range of crops and safeguarding the health of people and the planet.
Increased capacity of soil to function as a living ecosystem and to support other life; characterized by a loose, friable, and well-drained structure, presence of adequate nutrients (approximately 45% minerals, 25% water, 25% air, and 5% organic matter), a pH between 5.5 and 7.5, and high levels of biological activity with little to no evidence of pollutants or toxins.
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Plant-based diets, in comparison to diets rich in animal products, are more sustainable because they use many fewer natural resources and are less taxing on the environment.
Food and Climate Research Associate II
Are meat alternatives better for my health and the planet?
In an ideal world, most of us would rely on minimally processed legumes like dry beans and peas, lentils, and soybeans as key sources of protein in our diets. Diets rich in whole plant foods, including legumes, have been associated with a reduced risk for many diet-related diseases and have the lowest impact on our planet out of all protein foods available. That said, meat alternatives derived from legumes and other plant-based ingredients can add variety to our diets and make it more convenient to eat plant foods. Meat alternatives range from traditional products that can be used in similar ways as meat (e.g., tempeh, tofu, seitan) to more processed products that are designed to mimic meat (e.g., burgers, fillets, and sausages made from plant protein isolates). It is currently unknown whether these processed products, sometimes referred to as meat analogs, offer nutritional or chronic disease benefits comparable to whole legumes. But we do know that per gram of protein, most meat alternatives have a lower planetary impact on greenhouse gas emissions, land and water use, pesticides, and nutrient runoff in comparison to conventional meats.
Non-traditional sources of protein beyond animal products, often derived from plants (e.g., soy, pea protein), fungi (e.g., mycoprotein), or cultured cells (cellular agriculture) and produced by modern food technology; these alternatives aim to address sustainability concerns, reduce environmental impact, and offer diverse options for plant-based and lab-grown protein consumption.
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According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, approximately 1.6 billion adults worldwide were overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) and at least 400 million were obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) in 2005.
Distinguished Scholar in Public Health Nutrition
Why is everyone so worried about how much sugar I eat?
Excess sugar consumption is a major cause of chronic diseases like dental caries, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, liver and kidney damage, heart disease, obesity, and some cancers. Reducing sugar intake is recommended by many international and inter-governmental groups because these chronic diseases can start at early ages and become much worse over time without meaningful changes to dietary intake. Children with chronic diseases will struggle to learn and grow properly, and individuals with chronic diseases and their caregivers will be unable to work and earn income at their fullest potential and instead incur large out-of-pocket healthcare costs as well as loss in quality of life. At a societal level, when a large and growing share of the population suffers from chronic diseases, the economy will suffer, and the healthcare system will not be able to serve those who need its services.
Sugars or caloric sweeteners that are added to foods or beverages during processing or preparation; can include natural sugars (e.g., white sugar, brown sugar, honey) or other caloric sweeteners that are chemically manufactured (e.g., high fructose corn syrup); monitoring and understanding are crucial for managing sugar intake, which supports healthy dietary choices and minimizes the risk of health issues associated with excessive consumptions of sugars.
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More than 820 million people do not have enough to eat.
Program Director, Human Nutrition
How is Undernutrition Still a Problem in Global Health?
Undernutrition remains a global concern because it is never eradicated; it is only controlled, by assuring that all members of society have access to safe, adequate, and nutritionally balanced diets. Undernutrition can affect humans at any age, be acute and obvious or chronic and even “hidden,” yet impose numerous consequences to health, development, quality of life, and survival. Each generation has faced the challenges of preventing hunger, undernutrition, and famine. In our day, 800 million to two billion people are undernourished. The good news is that undernutrition can be prevented by producing food that is healthy, sustainable, and affordable. Some interventions that may help accomplish this include fortifying staple foods or supplementing diets with essential nutrients, promoting breastfeeding, reducing infections, ending conflict, and investing in peace. Finally, food must be made accessible to those experiencing poverty.
A health condition resulting from an imbalance between nutrient intake and requirements; includes both undernutrition (too few calories or nutrients) and overnutrition (excessive intake leading to overweight or obesity); can have severe health consequences and impact physical and mental development; addressing involves promoting a balanced diet and ensuring adequate access to nutritious food.
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Ultraprocessed foods encourage excessive calorie consumption and weight gain.
Instructor of Nutrition and Food Studies
What do people mean when they say ‘eat whole foods’?
Whole foods have become much easier to define since the term “ultra-processed” came into use, along with a fairly clear definition that distinguishes them from unprocessed and minimally processed foods. Ultra-processed foods bear little relationship to the whole foods from which they were derived. They are industrially produced, contain additive ingredients not available in home kitchens, and may include added salt, sugar, and fat. In contrast, whole foods are unprocessed or minimally processed and look a lot like they did when raised, picked, or gathered. These distinctions have significant health implications. Frequent consumption of ultra-processed foods has been linked in observational studies to increased obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and mortality. One clinical trial demonstrated that ultra-processed foods encourage excessive calorie consumption and weight gain. Again, in contrast, the consumption of whole foods is associated with good health and minimal impact on the environment.
Food products that undergo extensive industrial processing, often containing additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients; typically low in nutritional value, and may contribute to health issues when consumed excessively; recognizing and reducing intake of ultra-processed foods is crucial for promoting a balanced and healthful diet.
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Whole grains offer a “complete package” of health benefits, unlike refined grains, which are stripped of valuable nutrients in the refining process.
Senior Program Officer, Food Communities & Public Health
What does ‘whole grain’ mean?
A grain of any type – rice, wheat, corn – is made up of three components: the endosperm, bran, and germ. Whole-grain food products are made with intact grain kernels, whereas refined grain products typically contain only the endosperm. While the endosperm of grain contains carbohydrates, some protein, and B vitamins, the bran and the germ additionally contain fiber, B vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and even some healthy fats. By choosing whole grains, individuals get the full nutritional and environmental benefits of grains. People who consume more whole grains tend to have healthier weights and lower rates of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
The edible seeds of grass plants, which comprise staple foods in many diets; rich in carbohydrates and often contain essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals; common grains include wheat, rice, corn, oats, and barley.
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The most sensible diet plan ever? We think it’s the one that Michael Pollan outlined a few years ago: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
Managing Partner
Why is it important to eat a balanced meal?
A balanced meal usually consists of a combination of fresh fruits and vegetables, complex grains, and some animal protein. The specific blend of balance is often debated between stakeholders, causing public confusion. For me, Michael Pollan defines it best: “Eat good food, whole food, real food, mostly plants, not too much.” Eating in the way that Pollan suggests supports more than sound nutrition. It supports ingredient diversity important to soil health and ecosystem resilience. Meals built around diverse ingredients deepen our connections to various food cultures and support micro-economies around the world. Meals centered on organic heirloom varieties alleviate the pressure on the environment from industrialized food production. As a chef, meals built on fundamentals of fresh, clean, pure flavor simply taste better.
Vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body in small amounts but have a critical impact on human health; play crucial roles in various physiological functions (e.g., metabolism, immune function, bone health); consuming a varied and balanced diet ensures an adequate intake of micronutrients for overall health and well-being.
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Breastfeeding is an unequaled way of providing ideal food for the healthy growth and development of infants; it is also an integral part of the reproductive process with important implications for the health of mothers. As a global public health recommendation, infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life to achieve optimal growth, development, and health.
Global Lead for Nutrition
Why is breastfeeding better for a baby than scientific nutritionally balanced formulas?
Breast milk is perfectly tailored to a baby’s needs, to the extent that no processed or ultra-processed formula ever can be. Breast milk is truly better than medicine – the first milk (colostrum) is the baby’s first immunization. WHO recommends that all babies should be exclusively breastfed (not even water) for the first six months of their lives, following which complementary solid foods need to be added to their diets. Breastfed babies grow better, have more robust immune systems, are protected from environmental infections in poor environments, and are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases related to obesity (e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular diseases) as adults. Processed foods have been implicated in many disease etiologies, especially those associated with the growing epidemics of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers, and undernutrition problems in developing countries. Additionally, even when mothers are malnourished, they can still breastfeed. That’s what motherhood is!
Edible items that provide a high level of essential nutrients to support overall health and well-being such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products; offer a balanced mix of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other beneficial compounds; fundamental for maintaining a healthy and well-rounded diet.
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Plant-based foods give you a fresh variety of healthy ways to get your protein each day. Certain nuts, beans, and grains are particularly high in protein and are rich in nutrients that make you feel great.
Principal and Founder
What are some of the best sources of plant-based proteins?
The best sources of plant-based proteins are those that create extraordinary health in people, are widely accessible and affordable for all eaters, are delicious to eat, and are sustainable for our planet’s resources. An abundance of research supports the power of plant-based proteins to deliver high-performance nutrition and plenty of protein to meet our body’s needs, making them a vital tool to solve the challenge of supporting healthier people on a thriving planet.
To get the biggest bang for your buck, here’s a trick: focus on minimally processed, whole food options that look similar to the way they are found in nature and opt for packaged food products that list simple, clear, and easily recognizable ingredients that sound familiar instead of highly processed options.
Beans and legumes are superfoods of longevity and vitality, delivering heart-healthy nutrients such as folate. They also provide a powerful combination of protein (around 15 g per cup) and fiber, which works to keep blood sugar stable, enhance gut health, fight obesity, and help ease inflammation. Because of this bounty, they were recognized by the UN as being one of the world’s most highly nutritious, affordable, and sustainable foods that can also ensure food security in 2016. Seeds (such as flax, hemp, chia, sunflower, or pumpkin) deliver roughly 7-9 grams of protein per 1/4 cup and also top the list for a good reason: they hold nature’s “essential nutrition blueprint” to start and sustain life, including minerals such as zinc and magnesium, phytonutrients, and heart-healthy fats. Whole soy foods (such as tofu or edamame) are also high-quality, complete proteins that contain all 9 essential amino acids, similar to animal protein.
Nuts (including almond, walnut, cashew, and Brazil) deliver 7-9 grams of protein per 1/4 cup, plus are rich sources of key nutrients like omega-3 fats, Vitamin E, or selenium. Peanuts, in particular, have the added benefit of helping replenish our food system by fixing nitrogen back into the soil, reducing the need for fertilizers or agrochemicals (peas are regenerative, too). Ancient supergrains like teff, quinoa, and sorghum, and new protein-rich flours like garbanzo bean or almond, are fast reshaping the “inner aisles” of a typical American grocery store, offering super swaps for refined grains and flours in your favorite recipes.
And don’t forget the sea! Seaweed is a nutritional jackpot, boasting impressive amounts of protein (red seaweed has the most), a bevy of vitamins (e.g., A, D, and E), minerals (e.g., potassium, iodine, and magnesium), fiber, and more. In addition to promising health benefits such as fighting cancer or supporting our body’s natural detoxification pathways, seaweeds also hold enormous potential to help restore our oceans and create enduring livelihoods for coastal communities.
Protein derived from plant sources (e.g., legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, soy) that offers a sustainable and often healthier alternative to animal sources; crucial in vegetarian and vegan diets, and contribute to reducing environmental impact associated with meat production.
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An extensive study links red and processed meat with a higher risk of heart disease and death. Eating two servings of red meat, processed meat, or poultry — but not fish — per week was linked to a 3%-7% higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Eating two servings of red meat or processed meat — but not poultry or fish — per week was associated with a 3% higher risk of all causes of death.
Associate Research Professor, Center for Human Nutrition
Is red meat better or worse than poultry or seafood for health?
In addition to its widely appreciated role as a “protein,” animal meat can be an important source of highly bioavailable vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids in the human diet. Differences in the individual components of red meat, poultry, or seafood (particularly in the type of fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals) may influence both the risks and benefits associated with its consumption. As no long-term randomized trials of the diet exist, nutritional epidemiology studies that measure diet over time and relate it to health outcomes help to guide our understanding of the relative health risks of substituting different types of ‘proteins.’
Research suggests that regular consumption of even small amounts of red meat is associated with an overall greater risk of premature mortality, particularly from heart disease and stroke. Research also suggests that substituting red meat with poultry, fish, or other protein sources, such as beans, appears to reduce that risk. Processed red meat may be particularly harmful. Red meat consumption has also been associated with a greater risk of certain types of cancer and diabetes.
Unlike terrestrial meats, for which limited species exist, more than 2000 species of fish and seafood are consumed by humans. The nutritional profile of many of these species is uncertain and influenced by what part of the fish is consumed and how it is prepared. Certain species of fatty fish are rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, and in some studies, fish consumption has been associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, increased neurocognitive benefits, lower risk of preterm birth, and better early child development outcomes.
Edible aquatic animals and plants harvested from the sea or from freshwater (e.g., fish, shellfish) that provide a rich source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and various essential nutrients; incorporating into diets contributes to overall health; sustainable fishing practices are crucial for preserving marine ecosystems.
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The National Dietary Guidelines Platform is produced by The Lexicon, an international NGO that brings together food companies, government agencies, financial institutions, scientists, entrepreneurs, and food producers from across the globe to tackle some of the most complex challenges facing our food systems.
The National Dietary Guidelines Platform was developed by Green Brown Blue, an invitation-only food systems solutions activator produced by The Lexicon with support from Food at Google. The activator model fosters unprecedented collaborations between leading food service companies, environmental NGOs, government agencies, and technical experts from across the globe.
This website was built by The Lexicon™, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization headquartered in Petaluma, CA.
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© 2024 – Lexicon of Food™
We have no idea who grows our food, what farming practices they use, the communities they support, or what processing it undergoes before reaching our plates.
As a result, we have no ability to make food purchases that align with our values as individuals, or our missions as companies.
To change that, we’ve asked experts to demystify the complexity of food purchasing so that you can better informed decisions about what you buy.
The Lexicon of Food’s community of experts share their insights and experiences on the complex journey food takes to reach our plates. Their work underscores the need for greater transparency and better informed decision-making in shaping a healthier and more sustainable food system for all.
Professionals at universities and research institutions seeking scholarly articles, data, and resources.
Tools to align investment and grant making strategies with advances in agriculture, food production, and emerging markets.
Professionals seeking information on ingredient sourcing, menu planning, sustainability, and industry trends.
Chefs and food industry professionals seeking inspiration on ingredients and sustainable trends to enhance their work.
Individuals interested in food products, recipes, nutrition, and health-related information for personal or family use.
Individuals producing food, fiber, feed, and other agricultural products that support both local and global food systems.
This online platform is years in the making, featuring the contributions of 1000+ companies and NGOs across a dzen domain areas. To introduce you to their work, we’ve assembled personalized experiences with insights from our community of international experts.
Businesses engaged in food production, processing, and distribution that seek insight from domain experts
Those offering specialized resources and support and guidance in agriculture, food production, and nutrition.
Individuals who engage and educate audience on themes related to agriculture, food production, and nutrition.
Nutritional information for professionals offering informed dietary choices that help others reach their health objectives
Those advocating for greater awareness and stronger action to address climate impacts on agriculture and food security.
Professionals seeking curriculum materials, lesson plans, and learning tools related to food and agriculture.
Over half the world’s agricultural production comes from only three crops. Can we bring greater diversity to our plates?
In the US, four companies control nearly 85% of the beef we consume. Can we develop more regionally-based markets?
How can we develop alternatives to single-use plastics that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly?
Could changing the way we grow our food provide benefits for people and the planet, and even respond to climate change?
Can we meet the growing global demand for protein while reducing our reliance on traditional animal agriculture?
It’s not only important what we eat but what our food comes in. Can we develop tools that identify toxic materials used in food packaging?
Explore The Lexicon’s collection of immersive storytelling experiences featuring insights from our community of international experts.
The Great Protein Shift
Our experts use an engaging interactive approach to break down the technologies used to create these novel proteins.
Ten Principles for Regenerative Agriculture
What is regenerative agriculture? We’ve developed a framework to explain the principles, practices, ecological benefits and language of regenerative agriculture, then connected them to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Food-related chronic diseases are the biggest burden on healthcare systems. What would happen if we treated food as medicine?
How can we responsibly manage our ocean fisheries so there’s enough seafood for everyone now and for generations to come?
Mobilizing agronomists, farmers, NGOs, chefs, and food companies in defense of biodiversity in nature, agriculture, and on our plates.
Can governments develop guidelines that shift consumer diets, promote balanced nutrition and reduce the risk of chronic disease?
Will sustainably raising shellfish, finfish, shrimp and algae meet the growing demand for seafood while reducing pressure on wild fisheries?
How can a universal visual language to describe our food systems bridge cultural barriers and increase consumer literacy?
What if making the right food choices could be an effective tool for addressing a range of global challenges?
Let’s start with climate change. While it presents our planet with existential challenges, biodiversity loss, desertification, and water scarcity should be of equal concern—they’re all connected.
Instead of seeking singular solutions, we must develop a holistic approach, one that channel our collective energies and achieve positive impacts where they matter most.
To maximize our collective impact, EBF can help consumers focus on six equally important ecological benefits: air, water, soil, biodiversity, equity, and carbon.
We’ve gathered domain experts from over 1,000 companies and organizations working at the intersection of food, agriculture, conservation, and climate change.
The Lexicon™ is a California-based nonprofit founded in 2009 with a focus on positive solutions for a more sustainable planet.
For the past five years, it has developed an “activator for good ideas” with support from Food at Google. This model gathers domain experts from over 1,000 companies and organizations working at the intersection of food, agriculture, conservation, and climate change.
Together, the community has reached consensus on strategies that respond to challenges across multiple domain areas, including biodiversity, regenerative agriculture, food packaging, aquaculture, and the missing middle in supply chains for meat.
Lexicon of Food is the first public release of that work.
Over half the world’s agricultural production comes from only three crops. Can we bring greater diversity to our plates?
In the US, four companies control nearly 85% of the beef we consume. Can we develop more regionally-based markets?
How can we develop alternatives to single-use plastics that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly?
Could changing the way we grow our food provide benefits for people and the planet, and even respond to climate change?
Can we meet the growing global demand for protein while reducing our reliance on traditional animal agriculture?
It’s not only important what we eat but what our food comes in. Can we develop tools that identify toxic materials used in food packaging?
Explore The Lexicon’s collection of immersive storytelling experiences featuring insights from our community of international experts.
The Great Protein Shift
Our experts use an engaging interactive approach to break down the technologies used to create these novel proteins.
Ten Principles for Regenerative Agriculture
What is regenerative agriculture? We’ve developed a framework to explain the principles, practices, ecological benefits and language of regenerative agriculture, then connected them to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Food-related chronic diseases are the biggest burden on healthcare systems. What would happen if we treated food as medicine?
How can we responsibly manage our ocean fisheries so there’s enough seafood for everyone now and for generations to come?
Mobilizing agronomists, farmers, NGOs, chefs, and food companies in defense of biodiversity in nature, agriculture, and on our plates.
Can governments develop guidelines that shift consumer diets, promote balanced nutrition and reduce the risk of chronic disease?
Will sustainably raising shellfish, finfish, shrimp and algae meet the growing demand for seafood while reducing pressure on wild fisheries?
How can a universal visual language to describe our food systems bridge cultural barriers and increase consumer literacy?
This game was designed to raise awareness about the impacts our food choices have on our own health, but also the environment, climate change and the cultures in which we live.
First, you can choose one of the four global regions and pick a character that you want to play.
Each region has distinct cultural, economic, historical, and agricultural capacities to feed itself, and each character faces different challenges, such as varied access to food, higher or lower family income, and food literacy.
As you take your character through their day, select the choices you think they might make given their situation.
At the end of the day you will get a report on the impact of your food choices on five areas: health, healthcare, climate, environment and culture. Take some time to read through them. Now go back and try again. Can you make improvements in all five areas? Did one area score higher, but another score lower?
FOOD CHOICES FOR A HEALTHY PLANET will help you better understand how all these regions and characters’ particularities can influence our food choices, and how our food choices can impact our personal health, national healthcare, environment, climate, and culture. Let’s Play!
The FOOD CHOICES FOR A HEALTHY PLANET game allows users to experience the dramatic connections between food and climate in a unique and engaging way. The venue and the game set-up provides attendees with a fun experience, with a potential to add a new layer of storytelling about this topic.
Starting the game: the pilot version of the game features four country/regions: Each reflects a different way people (and the national dietary guidelines) look at diets: Nordic Countries (sustainability), Brazil (local and whole foods instead of ultra-processed foods); Canada (plant-forward), and Indonesia (developing countries).
Personalizing the game: players begin by choosing a country and then a character who they help in making food choices over the course of one day. Later versions may allow for creating custom avatars.
Making tough food choices: This interactive game for all ages shows how the food choices we make impact our health and the environment, and even contribute to climate change.
What we eat matters: at the end of each game, players learn that every decision they make impacts not only their health, but a national healthcare system, the environment, climate and even culture.
We’d love to know more about you and why you think you will be a great fit for this position! Shoot us an email introducing you and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
Providing best water quality conditions to ensure optimal living condition for growth, breeding and other physiological needs
Water quality is sourced from natural seawater with dependency on the tidal system. Water is treated to adjust pH and alkalinity before stocking.
Producers that own and manages the farm operating under small-scale farming model with limited input, investment which leads to low to medium production yield
All 1,149 of our farmers in both regencies are smallholder farmers who operate with low stocking density, traditional ponds, and no use of any other intensification technology.
Safe working conditions — cleanliness, lighting, equipment, paid overtime, hazard safety, etc. — happen when businesses conduct workplace safety audits and invest in the wellbeing of their employees
Company ensure implementation of safe working conditions by applying representative of workers to health and safety and conduct regular health and safety training. The practices are proven by ASIC standards’ implementation
Implementation of farming operations, management and trading that impact positively to community wellbeing and sustainable better way of living
The company works with local stakeholders and local governments to create support for farmers and the farming community in increasing resilience. Our farming community is empowered by local stakeholders continuously to maintain a long generation of farmers.
Freezing seafood rapidly when it is at peak freshness to ensure a higher quality and longer lasting product
Our harvests are immediately frozen with ice flakes in layers in cool boxes. Boxes are equipped with paper records and coding for traceability. We ensure that our harvests are processed with the utmost care at <-18 degrees Celsius.
Sourcing plant based ingredients, like soy, from producers that do not destroy forests to increase their growing area and produce fish feed ingredients
With adjacent locations to mangroves and coastal areas, our farmers and company are committed to no deforestation at any scale. Mangrove rehabilitation and replantation are conducted every year in collaboration with local authorities. Our farms are not established in protected habitats and have not resulted from deforestation activity since the beginning of our establishment.
Implement only natural feeds grown in water for aquatic animal’s feed without use of commercial feed
Our black tiger shrimps are not fed using commercial feed. The system is zero input and depends fully on natural feed grown in the pond. Our farmers use organic fertilizer and probiotics to enhance the water quality.
Enhance biodiversity through integration of nature conservation and food production without negative impact to surrounding ecosysytem
As our practices are natural, organic, and zero input, farms coexist with surrounding biodiversity which increases the volume of polyculture and mangrove coverage area. Farmers’ groups, along with the company, conduct regular benthic assessments, river cleaning, and mangrove planting.
THE TERM “MOONSHOT” IS OFTEN USED TO DESCRIBE an initiative that goes beyond the confines of the present by transforming our greatest aspirations into reality, but the story of a moonshot isn’t that of a single rocket. In fact, the Apollo program that put Neil Armstrong on the moon was actually preceded by the Gemini program, which in a two-year span rapidly put ten rockets into space. This “accelerated” process — with a new mission nearly every 2-3 months — allowed NASA to rapidly iterate, validate their findings and learn from their mistakes. Telemetry. Propulsion. Re-entry. Each mission helped NASA build and test a new piece of the puzzle.
The program also had its fair share of creative challenges, especially at the outset, as the urgency of the task at hand required that the roadmap for getting to the moon be written in parallel with the rapid pace of Gemini missions. Through it all, the NASA teams never lost sight of their ultimate goal, and the teams finally aligned on their shared responsibilities. Within three years of Gemini’s conclusion, a man did walk on the moon.
FACT is a food systems solutions activator that assesses the current food landscape, engages with key influencers, identifies trends, surveys innovative work and creates greater visibility for ideas and practices with the potential to shift key food and agricultural paradigms.
Each activator focuses on a single moonshot; instead of producing white papers, policy briefs or peer-reviewed articles, these teams design and implement blueprints for action. At the end of each activator, their work is released to the public and open-sourced.
As with any rapid iteration process, many of our activators re-assess their initial plans and pivot to address new challenges along the way. Still, one thing has remained constant: their conviction that by working together and pooling their knowledge and resources, they can create a multiplier effect to more rapidly activate change.
Vice President
Global Workplace Programs
Who can enter and how selections are made.
A Greener Blue is a global call to action that is open to individuals and teams from all over the world. Below is a non-exhaustive list of subjects the initiative targets.
To apply, prospective participants will need to fill out the form on the website, by filling out each part of it. Applications left incomplete or containing information that is not complete enough will receive a low score and have less chance of being admitted to the storytelling lab.
Nonprofit organizations, communities of fishers and fish farmers and companies that are seeking a closer partnership or special support can also apply by contacting hello@thelexicon.org and interacting with the members of our team.
Special attention will be given to the section of the form regarding the stories that the applicants want to tell and the reasons for participating. All proposals for stories regarding small-scale or artisanal fishers or aquaculturists, communities of artisanal fishers or aquaculturists, and workers in different steps of the seafood value chain will be considered.
Stories should show the important role that these figures play in building a more sustainable seafood system. To help with this narrative, the initiative has identified 10 principles that define a more sustainable seafood system. These can be viewed on the initiative’s website and they state:
Seafood is sustainable when:
Proposed stories should show one or more of these principles in practice.
Applications are open from the 28th of June to the 15th of August 2022. There will be 50 selected applicants who will be granted access to The Lexicon’s Total Storytelling Lab. These 50 applicants will be asked to accept and sign a learning agreement and acceptance of participation document with which they agree to respect The Lexicon’s code of conduct.
The first part of the lab will take place online between August the 22nd and August the 26th and focus on training participants on the foundation of storytelling, supporting them to create a production plan, and aligning all of them around a shared vision.
Based on their motivation, quality of the story, geography, and participation in the online Lab, a selected group of participants will be gifted a GoPro camera offered to the program by GoPro For A Change. Participants who are selected to receive the GoPro camera will need to sign an acceptance and usage agreement.
The second part of the Storytelling Lab will consist of a production period in which each participant will be supported in the production of their own story. This period goes from August 26th to October 13th. Each participant will have the opportunity to access special mentorship from an international network of storytellers and seafood experts who will help them build their story. The Lexicon also provides editors, animators, and graphic designers to support participants with more technical skills.
The final deadline to submit the stories is the 14th of October. Participants will be able to both submit complete edited stories, or footage accompanied by a storyboard to be assembled by The Lexicon’s team.
All applicants who will exhibit conduct and behavior that is contrary to The Lexicon’s code of conduct will be automatically disqualified. This includes applicants proposing stories that openly discriminate against a social or ethnic group, advocate for a political group, incite violence against any group, or incite to commit crimes of any kind.
All submissions must be the entrant’s original work. Submissions must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.
Participants will retain the copyrights to their work while also granting access to The Lexicon and the other partners of the initiative to share their contributions as part of A Greener Blue Global Storytelling Initiative.
If a potential selected applicant cannot be reached by the team of the Initiative within three (3) working days, using the contact information provided at the time of entry, or if the communication is returned as undeliverable, that potential participant shall forfeit.
Selected applicants will be granted access to an advanced Storytelling Lab taught and facilitated by Douglas Gayeton, award-winning storyteller and information architect, co-founder of The Lexicon. In this course, participants will learn new techniques that will improve their storytelling skills and be able to better communicate their work with a global audience. This skill includes (but is not limited to) how to build a production plan for a documentary, how to find and interact with subjects, and how to shoot a short documentary.
Twenty of the participants will receive a GoPro Hero 11 Digital Video and Audio Cameras by September 15, 2022. Additional participants may receive GoPro Digital Video and Audio Cameras to be announced at a later date. The recipients will be selected by advisors to the program and will be based on selection criteria (see below) on proposals by Storytelling Lab participants. The selections will keep in accordance with Lab criteria concerning geography, active participation in the Storytelling Lab and commitment to the creation of a story for the Initiative, a GoPro Camera to use to complete the storytelling lab and document their story. These recipients will be asked to sign an acceptance letter with terms of use and condition to receive the camera.
The Lexicon provides video editors, graphic designers, and animators to support the participants to complete their stories.
The submitted stories will be showcased during international and local events, starting from the closing event of the International Year of Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 in Rome, in January 2023. The authors of the stories will be credited and may be invited to join.
Storytelling lab participation:
Applicants that will be granted access to the storytelling Lab will be evaluated based on the entries they provided in the online form, and in particular:
Applications will be evaluated by a team of 4 judges from The Lexicon, GSSI and the team of IYAFA (Selection committee).
When selecting applications, the call promoters may request additional documentation or interviews both for the purpose of verifying compliance with eligibility requirements and to facilitate proposal evaluation.
Camera recipients:
Participants to the Storytelling Lab who will be given a GoPro camera will be selected based on:
The evaluation will be carried out by a team of 4 judges from The Lexicon, GSSI and the team of IYAFA (Selection committee).
Incidental expenses and all other costs and expenses which are not specifically listed in these Official Rules but which may be associated with the acceptance, receipt and use of the Storytelling Lab and the camera are solely the responsibility of the respective participants and are not covered by The Lexicon or any of the A Greener Blue partners.
All participants who receive a Camera are required to sign an agreement allowing GoPro for a Cause, The Lexicon and GSSI to utilize the films for A Greener Blue and their promotional purposes. All participants will be required to an agreement to upload their footage into the shared drive of The Lexicon and make the stories, films and images available for The Lexicon and the promoting partners of A Greener Blue.